We offer discount AD8601WARTZ-R7 integrated circuit (IC), it is denoting a tiny electronic device or component, is fabricated through the interconnection of transistors, resistors, capacitors and inductors on small semiconductor chips or dielectric substrates using specific processes. We have more AD8601WARTZ-R7s in stock.These interconnected components are then encapsulated within a tube shell to form a miniature structure with the requisite circuit functions. This holistic structural formation represents a significant leap forward in terms of miniaturization, low power consumption, intelligence and high reliability. Devices newest AD8601WARTZ-R7 provided by its distributors.Latest selling AD8601WARTZ-R7 is a PC100-compatible line output amplifier specifically engineered for typical applications in the field. It features rail-to-rail input and output, single-supply operation, exceptionally low price AD8601WARTZ-R7 offset voltage, and wide signal bandwidth. This amplifier utilizes a patented fine-tuning technology to achieve superior performance without the need for laser fine-tuning. Newest AD8601WARTZ-R7 operating on a single supply ranging from 3V to 5V, it offers high precision and reliability for various electronic systems.
Basic information:
Item name: AD8601WARTZ-R7
Manufacturer Type:Precision Amplifier
Number of Channels per Chip:1
Rail to Rail:Rail to Rail Input/Output
Process Technology:CMOS
Output Type:CMOS
Maximum Input Offset Voltage (mV):0.5@5V
Minimum Single Supply Voltage (V):2.7
Typical Single Supply Voltage (V):3|5
Maximum Single Supply Voltage (V):5.5
Maximum Input Offset Current (uA):0.00003@5V
Maximum Input Bias Current (uA):0.00006@5V
Maximum Supply Current (mA):1.2@5V
Typical Output Current (mA):50@5V
Power Supply Type:Single
AD8601WARTZ-R7 Features:
Op Amp Single Precision Amplifier R-R I/O 5.5V Automotive 5-Pin SOT-23 T/R